Agave, Inc.'s expert Enhancement Team provides the knowledge and expertise necessary to improve the structure of your community. Encompassing everything from entrance redesigns and turf conversions to hardscape installation and woodchip replenishment, our team will provide all services needed to enhance your community.
Many times, realizing that you need extensive improvements to your community can feel overwhelming, and you may seek out advice. We can guide you on what it will take to get an improvement done the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. Our enhancement team has a college-educated architect, John Nesteruck, who is accountable to you for the entire project, making it easy to make needed adjustments through the process. John can work through and review your plan with you as well as make suggestions such as creating a more efficient design or choosing plants that make better sense for our environment. Often, native or desert-adapted trees and plants can perform the same function as non-native ones, but they will also add value to the community or property. John can also perform renderings for a small fee to give a more visual experience of what the project will look like.
Our project manager, Chris Lieder, makes sure that the enhancement is done within the established budget and according to the vision you are looking for. He works with the crews and crew foremen to establish a clear plan of what the project needs and keeps the project moving forward. Throughout the process, John will report the progress to you, so you know how your project is advancing and make sure that it meets your standards.
Just one of the items we can do is redesign and update are old entrances into communities and businesses. Our enhancement team directed and refurbished an old irrigation system, installed rip rap and hardscape, and carried out plant renewal for one of our smaller properties in Peoria. The entrance was older and was installed by the developer years ago, so that the plant material was overgrown and the irrigation was worn out and leaking. The entrance no longer welcomed visitors into the community of luxury homes.
We were given landscape plans and were able to install new irrigation lines and valves, an alluring array of plant material, and new rip rap, all within their budget. The entrance now matches the charm of the homes inside and welcomes anyone driving into the community.
Some of the projects for you to consider as enhancements are
● Granite removal or replacement
● Monument sign enhancement
● Irrigation removal/replacement
● Tree and plant installation
● Removal and clean-up of property
● Hardscape installation and removal
● Turf Installation, remodel, or removal
● Artificial turf installation
If you are not sure exactly what you need, give us a call and we can help you
decide what work should be done on your commercial or community project.