
Our Value
Written by Kendra Gray
Business Development Director

he book "Oz Principle" is one of my favorites as it emphasizes the importance of individual and organizational accountability in achieving results, both personally and professionally. By drawing a line between accountability and victimization, the book highlights how our actions can impact the way we are perceived by others and the way we perceive ourselves. To reach our goals and assume accountability, we must acknowledge the situation, take ownership, evaluate the best approach, and follow through to complete the task. Success lies in functioning above the line and avoiding the victim cycle that can easily trap us. Although we may sometimes fall below the line, our accountability, and the steps we take to determine the results are crucial.

Throughout my experiences, I have observed that those who rise above their circumstances and strive for the common good are more likely to achieve their goals in a positive, productive, and accountable manner. At Agave Environmental Contracting, we believe in joint accountability and working together to improve rather than engaging in office politics, finger-pointing, or the blame game. Instead of responding defensively to feedback, we analyze it together and work out how to achieve quality success by seeing it, owning it, solving it, and doing it.


Don’t get stuck on the yellow brick road; don’t blame others for your circumstances; don’t wait for wizards to wave their magic wands, and never expect all your problems to disappear.

—Roger Connors, Tom Smith, and Craig Hickman, The Oz Principle